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"Intermittent Fasting" means that in certain situations, you don't feed your body for a certain period. The technique guarantees incredible results since it is based on exploiting our natural biological clock, called the circadian rhythm system ("circadian" means "around the clock. "). This system adjusts a wide range of bodily functions, such as blood sugar, red blood cell production, hormone levels, and body temperature.
Because our bodies are so bright and intelligent, we can control this biological clock with our eating habits. By fasting for a certain period (usually 12 to 16 hours), your body will think that it is nighttime and start to naturally produce growth hormones that will help you burn fat off much faster than before.
Intermittent fasting is embraced for several reasons, some of which we will talk about in the book. One of the most popular motivations for intermittent fasting is weight loss. However, intermittent fasting can also help with various health issues, feel less bogged down by food, and even live longer.