Set in a 19th century European village, this this stop-motion, animated feature follows the story of Victor (voiced by JOHNNY DEPP), a young man who is whisked away to the underworld and wed to a mysterious Corpse Bride, while his real bride, Victoria, waits bereft in land of the living. Direction: Tim Burton Actors: Albert Finney, Christopher Lee, Danny Elfman, Emily Watson, Helena Bonham Carter, Joanna Lumley, Johnny Depp, Tracey Ullman Special Features: Find out how an animator approaches his character's motivation and why individual animators possess unique skills; Tim Burton - Dark vs. Light: Explore what inspired Burton to bring the Corpse Bride to life; Voices from the Underworld - Meet the actors behind the voices, and see how they craft their unique character; Danny Elfman Interprets the Two Worlds; Inside the Two Worlds - Includes interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and production drawings. 1.85:1, Anamorphic 16x9, Widescreen format. Language: English / Add. French, Spanish / Sub. Spanish, English, French Year: 2005 Runtime: 77 minutes.
Starring: Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Emily Watson, Albert Finney, Richard Grant, Danny Elfman, Tracey Ullman, Amazing Grace, Richard E. Grant, Joanna Lumley, Christopher Lee, Jane Horrocks, Enn Reitel, Deep Roy, Stephen Ballantyne, Lisa Kay, Paul Whitehouse, Michael Gough
Director: Allison Abbate, Bobby Newmyer, Doug Claybourne, Fred Schepisi, Tim Burton
Rating: PG
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