The women of a touring symphonic orchestra are a tightly knit group, and they're not about to let the secret they hold slip through the knitting. They'll wait until fragile, pregnant bassist Barbara Ainsworth (June Allyson) has her baby before letting her know about a War Dept. Telegram that says her husband is missing in action in the WWII Pacific. But Barbara begins to notice differences in the way the women are acting around her. The all-star Music for Millions is part weepie, part comedy, part morale booster and, all in all, a stirring showcase of works by Chopin, Debussy, Grieg and others. Jose Iturbi adds his gifted screen presence and talents as the orchestra's conductor. Jimmy Durante provides warmth and comedy relief that includes his nightclub favorite "Umbriago." And Margaret O'Brien's endearing performance as "Mike" capped a year that resulted in a special Academy Award for Outstanding Child Actress of 1944.
Starring: Margaret O'Brien, Jose Iturbi, José Iturbi, June Allyson, Jimmy Durante, Marsha Hunt, Connie Gilchrist, Katharine Balfour, Helen Gilbert, Mary Parker, Madeleine LeBeau, Hugh Herbert, Harry Davenport, Marie Wilson, Larry Adler, Ben Lessy, Ethel Griffies, Eddie Jackson, Jack Roth, Lillian Yarbo, Robert E. O'Connor, Frank Hagney, Ed Gargan, Eddie Dunn, Jeanne Bayless, Roberta Ridley, Tanis Chandler, Lorraine Page, Linda Deane, Sybil Merritt, Danna McGraw, Helen Pender, Lottie Harrison, William "Bill" Phillips, Robert Homans, Lorraine Miller, Dick Crockett, Wally Cassell, Willie Best, Broderick O'Farrell, Al Ferguson, Capt. Somers, Jody Gilbert, Lee Phelps, Charles Sullivan, Frank Darien, Sam Finn, Harry Burns, Ed Agresti, Sam McDaniel, Arthur Space, Garry Owen, Tim Murdock, Mary Gordon, Paul E. Burns, Nestor Paiva, Robert Dudley, Jane Green, Ruth Lee, Volta Boyer, Byron Foulger, Margaret Bert, Kenneth Scott, Effie Laird, Stanley Andrews, Josephine Allen, Doris Stone, Ned Dobson Jr., Lyle Clark, Sarah Edwards, Edith Leach, Geraldine Wall, Joel Friedkin, Earl Schenck, George Carleton, Ronnie Rondell
Director: Joe Pasternak
Rating: NR
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