Originally released in 2006, this, the author's second full-length collection of stories, is finally available in a new trade paperback edition. Within these pages you will find: A nightmare in which an axe-wielding madman stalking the streets becomes reality for a young family trapped in their home during the height of a blizzard.In a world ravaged by the living dead, one man's mission to find female companionship lands him more than he bargained for.A magazine editor discovers that a deceased pulp writer's most notorious work is a warning of Lovecraftian nightmares yet to come on an unsuspecting world.These are just a few of the samplings you'll find in this new major short story collection by the author of such novels as Bully, Survivor, and Clickers.It's all here-Lovecraftian pulp horror, surreal SF, psychological and classic supernatural-based horror, and even a rare mainstream piece. Featuring stories across a wide spectrum, from the subtle to the extreme. Pull up a chair, flip the page, turn on the light and wait until...When the Darkness Falls
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