"The Witcher meets Avatar the Last Airbender in Medieval Baghdad""A blend of Persian epics and Shonen Manga"A boy wakes up surrounded by corpses. Unable to move, he is assaulted by vultures who stop pecking at him only when he speaks. To survive this nightmarish ordeal, he tells them the story of how he ended up on their menu...What follows is the wild tale of the young gardener Khurafa, coping with the aftermath of the Mongol invasion of Baghdad and the death of his parents amidst the bloodshed. After a vivid dream and several supernatural encounters, he becomes convinced that an ancient group of nine sorcerers called the Servants are bent on world domination. Accompanied by his scholarly mentor Shaykh Nariman, and the sly, uncannily perceptive Zakiyya, he seeks saintly help against the Servants, but finds mostly monsters instead.
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