Transformers: EarthSpark is a kids animated series from Nickelodeon and Hasbro introducing the first Transformers bots to be born on Earth, now airing! The beloved characters take off on a new, original adventure in this action-packed chapter book! The Terrans are so happy to be part of the Malto family that they want to do something nice for their new parents, Dot and Alex. They decide to bake something since both humans like sweets. The Terrans don't eat food themselves, but they've seen humans enjoy and prepare it. How hard can it be to cook up something delicious? TRANSFORMERS (c) 2023 Hasbro. Transformers: EarthSpark TV series (c) 2023 Hasbro/Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
About the Author
Ryder Windham is a science fiction author who has written over sixty Star Wars books as well as titles for the Indiana Jones and Transformers franchises. Patrick Spaziante is an American comic book artist and children's book illustrator known for his work for Archie Comics, in particular his interior pencil and cover work for Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic X, and Sonic Universe.
About the Author
Ryder Windham is a science fiction author who has written over sixty Star Wars books as well as titles for the Indiana Jones and Transformers franchises. Patrick Spaziante is an American comic book artist and children's book illustrator known for his work for Archie Comics, in particular his interior pencil and cover work for Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic X, and Sonic Universe.
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