Orphaned amnesiac high school student Grant Garrison attempts to navigate his present and recall his past, but when a meteor decimates his school, Grant discovers an artifact from another galaxy, the weapon known as the Starstorm, the power that resides within will determine not only his future but that of his friends and the fate of the entire universe. Collects Savage Strength of Starstorm #1 - #6
About the Author
Drew Craig is the writer, illustrated by, and creator of THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM. After years of collecting comics and attending conventions with his brother, Drew decided to set about creating his own universe of heroes and villains. From this, Starstorm was born. Drew resides in Montreal Quebec Canada with his family and several forest friends, where he attempts to remain warm, write, and draw. NA
About the Author
Drew Craig is the writer, illustrated by, and creator of THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM. After years of collecting comics and attending conventions with his brother, Drew decided to set about creating his own universe of heroes and villains. From this, Starstorm was born. Drew resides in Montreal Quebec Canada with his family and several forest friends, where he attempts to remain warm, write, and draw. NA
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