Anthony Clark's award-winning adaptation of Albert Lamorisse's Fifties French film, The Red Balloon, follows the adventures of a lonely Parisian boy and a stray balloon which befriends him. It enjoyed a successful run at the National Theatre in 1996.
About the Author
Anthony Clark is Artistic Director at the Manchester Contact Theatre and has been Associate Director at the Birmingham Repertory. He is a well-known director and playwright in hi own right. His adaptations for children have been widely performed, and include The Snowman, The Little Prince, The Pied Piper, and Pinocchio.
About the Author
Anthony Clark is Artistic Director at the Manchester Contact Theatre and has been Associate Director at the Birmingham Repertory. He is a well-known director and playwright in hi own right. His adaptations for children have been widely performed, and include The Snowman, The Little Prince, The Pied Piper, and Pinocchio.
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