This beautifully illustrated storybook tells the tale of an old man who embarks on a journey at sea. While on his voyage, he encounters a mighty storm and becomes scared, lost, and tired. Through the darkness, a lighthouse calls to him and guides him to an extraordinary place where he is reminded of the beautiful things that make life worth living.
About the Author
Blom, Tracy: - Tracy Blom grew up in Cincinnati Ohio, and currently resides in Columbus, Ohio with her husband and two rescue dogs. As a young child, Tracy started writing in a dream journal. She dreamt up entire stories, stapled them together, and created her first stories. Since those early years, every book she has written has arrived in a dream, including places, character names, and lessons to be shared. Over the years she has come to accept the power of her dreams. She made the decision to sort through the piles of journals and bring her stories to life. To date, she has published nineteen books. Most carry a common theme -- love who you are, be kind to others, and do what you can to make the world a better place.
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