Continuing the saga that began in "Avatar: The Last Airbender," this animated series follows the adventures of Korra, who travels to Republic City in order to learn the special skill of "bending" the elements of earth, air, fire, and water to her will. Once having mastered the skills of an Avatar, it's up to Korra to join with her friends and do battle against the Equalists. Stars the voices of Janet Varney, David Faustino, and J.K. Simmons.52 episodes on 8 discs. 20 1/4 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English DTS HD 5.1 Master Audio, French Dolby Digital stereo, Spanish Dolby Digital stereo; audio commentary on select episodes; featurettes.
Starring: Dee Bradley Baker, Janet Varney, Jeff Bennett, P.J. Byrne, David Faustino
Rating: NR
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