In the distant future, mankind has reached the stars as a young slave girl called Nine seeks freedom even if it costs her life.
In order to win that freedom, Nine must compete in a deadly tournament spanning across the planets. Kill or be killed is the name of the game. To the victor goes the spoils: the legacy and title of The Emerald Hood and all the wealth, fame, and power that comes with it.
As Nine fights for survival, some of her fellow competitors seem too good to be true as they attempt to make alliances with her. Others, however, seem beyond redemption as they kill their fellow competitors for the sheer joy of blood.
There's also the matter of a mysterious figure influencing the tournament from the shadows. Just what does he know about Nine's past? And why is he so keen on making sure she dies before she even sees the finish line?
Friends, foes, and everyone in between, who can you trust when everyone's a thief? Sometimes winning isn't an option unless you're willing to steal the victory.
Who will be the next Emerald Hood?
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