There is a very real need today to understand the demands upon the law enforcement family, and how to minister to their specific needs. These needs will be addressed from a practical, Chaplain perspective. A Chaplain generally is a clergy person with specialized training dealing with people in areas of grief and trauma, and within their specific field or industry i.e. hospitals, military, law enforcement, etc. Pastors and other ministers that work in this field are traditionally given the title "Chaplain"This book discusses many general topics surrounding chaplaincy, but it is specifically designed for those working with first responders-more specifically, law enforcement. Within these pages you will find tools you can use to work with law enforcement in a ministry role. This book can be used as a "how to" guide for chaplains. It details out how to really make a difference in your community in times of crisis; and how to come alongside law enforcement in such a way as to be an asset to them.
About the Author
Chaplain Terry Morgan is an ordained minister with almost 30 years of experience. He has spent 16 years as a law enforcement chaplain. He is the Senior Chaplain/Executive Director of Gold Country Chaplaincy and Press4hope. Morgan is a Master Chaplain Level member of the International Conference of Police Chaplains, and is a member of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. He received his Board Certification in Emergency Crisis Response through the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. Chaplain Morgan has extensive training, and is a certified trainer for QPR suicide prevention, and a provisional trainer for ASIST suicide intervention. Chaplain Morgan has sat on several boards representing the Faith Community including the boards of the "Campaign for Community Wellness," and "Advocates for the Mentally Ill Housing". He is currently the Secretary of the Board for the "Fellowship of Marketplace Christians International." He is also the President of the Board for the Placer County Stand Down committee. Chaplain Morgan was one of a handful of law enforcement chaplains chosen to work with Louisiana Mental Health and the New Orleans Police Dept. immediately following Hurricane Katrina. He has also been one of only a few chaplains selected to work with surviving family members of officers killed in the line of duty during "Police Week" in Washington D.C. Chaplain Morgan earned his Masters degree in Ministry in Public Safety, from Trinity Biblical University and his Bachelors degree in Theology from Pacific Coast Bible College. He also has an Associate of Science Degree in Business Management from Sacramento City College. He has taught Bible college courses, and teaches crisis counseling for chaplains. He is often called upon as an expert in dealing with traumatic stress, and stress management. He has been frequently published in magazine on a variety of topics related to law enforcement, and has been featured in "PORAC" magazine and "Extant Magazine". He teaches various ministries how to help their own parishioners through critical incidents, crisis, and traumatic events, while exercising good stress management techniques and preventing compassion fatigue or burn out in their ministers.