Five long years have passed...
since Chicago's notorious mob boss, Rio, lost Lynne to the Underworld. However, his life takes another tragic turn when his daughter is murdered by a Deathwalker. Unwilling to give up, he dares to do the unthinkable and makes a deal with the Bone Queen. But there's a catch: he must hunt down 100 runaway souls to save his daughter, and one of them happens to be Lynne, the queen's missing bone thief.
After a series of dangerous deals, Lynne has returned to the Underworld--but at a steep cost. On the run and heartbroken, she turns to the Blood Queen for help once again. The dark witch offers to join forces and bring an end to her own sister.
As fate would have it, Rio and Lynne cross paths once more, but this time they find themselves on opposite sides of a treacherous battle. One of the rulers of the Underworld harbors a dark secret that poses a threat to all worlds. As they unravel the lies, curses, and ancient secrets, they must make a choice--whether to believe the Bone Queen or the Blood Queen.
But who is telling the truth?
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