A gripping, action-packed short novel about a young shinobi on a quest to overcome the shadow of his past...Zenrachi is one of the remaining people that stand against The Tsurasu, a brutal group whose influence is overtaking the land of storms--but he's been missing for years. His friend Rahku traverses Arashi Tochi in search of Zenrachi in hopes that he is willing to stand and fight the evils of the imposing group. His past ties with them makes it personal, with no choice but to take each member of the Tsurasu down to overcome his past. On his journey, The Silver haired warrior encounters some familiar ones he once stood alongside. The battles on the horizon will be with more than just powerful foes, but against his inner demons, the darkness in his heart manifested into its own entity.A dark shadow looms over Arashi Tochi. Will Zenrachi be willing to be the "hero" the Land of Storms needs? or will darkness overcome him...
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