This offbeat drama series follows the exploits of a government-backed group of geniuses tapped to handle the world's most dangerous, high-tech threats. Armed with an IQ of 197, Walter O'Brien (Elyes Gabel) leads a team that includes behaviorist Toby Curtis (Eddie Kaye Thomas), mechanical engineer Happy Quinn (Jadyn Wong), mathematician Sylvester Dodd (Ari Stidham), and Paige Dineen (Katharine McPhee), a waitress and mother to a gifted son (Riley B. Smith). Robert Patrick also stars.93 episodes on 24 discs. 65 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital stereo; Subtitles: English (SDH), Portuguese; featurettes; deleted scenes; gag reels; more.
Starring: Elyes Gabel, Katharine McPhee, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Jadyn Wong, Ari Stidham, Robert Patrick, Riley B. Smith, Reiko Aylesworth, Tina Majorino, Kevin Weisman
Rating: NR
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