In the fourth DATA Set adventure, the DATA Set race to deprogram an army of robots before they take over Newtonberg Elementary School. One morning, Mrs. Bell, the science teacher, challenges the students to invent their own robots. The class builds their best creations and on presentation day, everything goes well...until all the robots start malfunctioning! Now it's up to the DATA Set and their new classmate, Olive Thompson, to deprogram these machines before an army of robots take over the entire school! With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, The DATA Set chapter books are perfect for emerging readers.
About the Author
Ada Hopper has been extremely inventive ever since she was little. There was nothing that a rubber band and some tweezers couldn't fix, no question that couldn't be answered by scouring the library, and no way she wasn't escaping over that backyard fence! Ada loves reading and writing because of all the fantastical worlds a good book can bring you to. When not working, Ada enjoys karaoke, spending time with her family, and going on the occasional adventure or two. Sam Ricks grew up creating stories about toxic fruitcakes and peanut butter-snatching aliens. He is the illustrator of several books for young readers, including The DATA Set series. Sam earned his BA from Brigham Young University and his MA from the University of Baltimore. He is a founding member of Cotopaxi: Gear For Good. He, his wife, and their five children live in Salt Lake City, Utah. Visit Sam at
About the Author
Ada Hopper has been extremely inventive ever since she was little. There was nothing that a rubber band and some tweezers couldn't fix, no question that couldn't be answered by scouring the library, and no way she wasn't escaping over that backyard fence! Ada loves reading and writing because of all the fantastical worlds a good book can bring you to. When not working, Ada enjoys karaoke, spending time with her family, and going on the occasional adventure or two. Sam Ricks grew up creating stories about toxic fruitcakes and peanut butter-snatching aliens. He is the illustrator of several books for young readers, including The DATA Set series. Sam earned his BA from Brigham Young University and his MA from the University of Baltimore. He is a founding member of Cotopaxi: Gear For Good. He, his wife, and their five children live in Salt Lake City, Utah. Visit Sam at
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