Since the first printing of Pathways to Recovery, people immediately worked to start groups with little guidance on how to do it. Some were held in formal settings while others were conducted with just two or three people in someone's living room. In most, participants found themselves completing the exercises, discussing the quotations or even arguing about whether certain topics should be included in one chapter or another With so many formats emerging, determining how to create a facilitator's guide was quite a challenge. The current guide is designed to be easy to navigate and use, even for first-time group facilitators. Modules include the following: -An overview and goals for the topic -Recommended readings, materials and handouts -Specific tips for facilitators and notes to guide each session -Detailed agendas with suggested activities -The guide gives group leaders all the information needed to facilitate a Pathways to Recovery group, including tips on how to adapt the sessions to meet specific needs. While some groups have taken over a year to cover all the material in the workbook, still others have found it possible to cover one chapter a week. In whatever way you decide to conduct your local group, the material found in this guide will be helpful to you.
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