A deluxe edition of Orochi, featuring all nine of the classic interconnected short stories by horror master Kazuo Umezz, the creator of The Drifting Classroom! A mysterious young woman slithers her way into the lives of unsuspecting people like the legendary multitailed serpent for which she is named--Orochi. The third volume of Umezz's classic horror manga begins with "Stage," in which Orochi encounters a child who insists a mysterious "morning-man" has killed his father. But who is he really? Then, a group of stranded soldiers succumb to unimaginable depravity in order to survive. In "Combat," their story comes back to haunt them...and others.
About the Author
Kazuo Umezz started drawing professionally in the 1950s and is considered the most influential horror manga artist ever. His many horror and sci-fi/horror works include Cat Eyed Boy, Orochi, The Drifting Classroom, Senrei (Baptism), My Name is Shingo (winner of the Prix du Patrimoine in 2018 at the Angoulême International Comics Festival), The Left Hand of God/Right Hand of the Devil, and Fourteen. His popular gag series Makoto-Chan and Again prove that Umezz is also an accomplished humor cartoonist. Umezz's weird style, incredible ideas, and sometimes terrifying imagery have made him a fixture of Japanese pop culture, and his work has been adapted into movies, anime, and collectibles.
About the Author
Kazuo Umezz started drawing professionally in the 1950s and is considered the most influential horror manga artist ever. His many horror and sci-fi/horror works include Cat Eyed Boy, Orochi, The Drifting Classroom, Senrei (Baptism), My Name is Shingo (winner of the Prix du Patrimoine in 2018 at the Angoulême International Comics Festival), The Left Hand of God/Right Hand of the Devil, and Fourteen. His popular gag series Makoto-Chan and Again prove that Umezz is also an accomplished humor cartoonist. Umezz's weird style, incredible ideas, and sometimes terrifying imagery have made him a fixture of Japanese pop culture, and his work has been adapted into movies, anime, and collectibles.
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