In this startling psychological thriller, a killer is targeting young women in New York City and is obsessed with Michael Bennett's daughter. A killer is obsessed...
with young female college students. Michael Bennett is obsessed...
with keeping every one of them, including his oldest daughter, safe. New York City is obsessed...
with cracking the killer's code. You will be obsessed...
with this startling psychological thriller. Obsessed.
About the Author
James Patterson is the world's bestselling author. The creator of Alex Cross, he has produced more enduring fictional heroes than any other novelist alive. He lives in Florida with his family. James O. Born is an award-winning crime and science-fiction novelist as well as a career law-enforcement agent. A native Floridian, he still lives in the Sunshine State.
with young female college students. Michael Bennett is obsessed...
with keeping every one of them, including his oldest daughter, safe. New York City is obsessed...
with cracking the killer's code. You will be obsessed...
with this startling psychological thriller. Obsessed.
About the Author
James Patterson is the world's bestselling author. The creator of Alex Cross, he has produced more enduring fictional heroes than any other novelist alive. He lives in Florida with his family. James O. Born is an award-winning crime and science-fiction novelist as well as a career law-enforcement agent. A native Floridian, he still lives in the Sunshine State.
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