The third entry in the popular "NCIS" television franchise stars Scott Bakula as Dwayne Cassius "King" Pride, a seasoned NCIS agent who oversees a team that investigates cases from the Mississippi River to the Texas Panhandle. In addition to fellow agents Christopher LaSalle (Lucas Black) and Meredith Brody (Zoe McLellan), Pride is also assisted by local medical examiner Dr. Loretta Wade (CCH Pounder) and forensic scientist Sebastian Lund (Rob Kerkovich).155 episodes on 39 discs. 108 3/4 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital stereo; Subtitles: English (SDH), Portuguese; deleted scenes; extended scenes; featurettes; audio commentary; bonus crossover episodes; more.
Starring: Scott Bakula, Charles Davis, Vanessa Ferlito, CCH Pounder, Necar Zadegan
Rating: NR
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