Four teenage friends in a small town embark on a journey to solve the case of a missing schoolmate, unaware some of the mischievous characters in town decide to add clues and adventure to their sleuthing while the town sits back and laughs at the four detectives chasing clues. Once the four friends discover the gag, they decide to get even using a mannequin dressed up as a malevolent reprobate who creates fear and paranoia as the stories grow and spread in their small town. During their ventures, they encounter snakes, a motorcycle gang, an older lady who shoots bushes they are hiding behind, impersonating the local sheriff, a school lockdown, and many other hilarious escapades.
Ken Harper grew up in Sunnyside, Washington, and graduated from Heritage University with a BA in English. He has taught both high school and college credit courses in English Language Arts in small towns and large cities in Washington State. Some of his passions involve teaching, music, gardening, and, of course, writing from firsthand experiences. He has spent years working with youth in youth ministry and both private and public schools, where he draws much of his inspiration from his stories.
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