In her brand-new series, Brenda Jackson welcomes you to Catalina Cove, where even the biggest heartbreaks can be healed...
In the wake of a devastating teen pregnancy that left her childless and heartbroken, Vashti Alcindor left Catalina Cove, Louisiana, with no plans to return. Now, over a decade later, Vashti reluctantly finds herself back in her hometown after inheriting her aunt's B and B. Her homecoming gets off to a rocky start when the new sheriff, Sawyer Grisham, pulls her over for speeding, and things go downhill from there.
The B and B, a place she'd always found refuge in when it seemed like the whole world was against her, has fallen into disrepair. When a surprising benefactor encourages Vashti to reopen the B and B, Vashti embraces a fresh start, and soon old hurts begin to fade as she makes new memories with the town--and its handsome sheriff...
But some pasts are too big to escape, and when a bombshell of a secret changes everything she thought was true, Vashti is left reeling. With Sawyer and his teenage daughter determined to see her through the storm, though, she's learning family isn't always a matter of blood--sometimes it's a matter of heart.
Don't miss The House on Blueberry Lane, the next book in The Catalina Cove series by New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson!
The Catalina Cove series
Book 1: Love in Catalina Cove
Book 2: Forget Me Not
Book 3: Finding Home Again
Book 4: Follow Your Heart
Book 5: One Christmas Wish
Book 6: The House on Blueberry Lane
About the Author
Jackson, Brenda: - Brenda Jackson is a New York Times bestselling author of more than one hundred romance titles. Brenda lives in Jacksonville, Florida, and divides her time between family, writing and traveling. Email Brenda at or visit her on her website at
In the wake of a devastating teen pregnancy that left her childless and heartbroken, Vashti Alcindor left Catalina Cove, Louisiana, with no plans to return. Now, over a decade later, Vashti reluctantly finds herself back in her hometown after inheriting her aunt's B and B. Her homecoming gets off to a rocky start when the new sheriff, Sawyer Grisham, pulls her over for speeding, and things go downhill from there.
The B and B, a place she'd always found refuge in when it seemed like the whole world was against her, has fallen into disrepair. When a surprising benefactor encourages Vashti to reopen the B and B, Vashti embraces a fresh start, and soon old hurts begin to fade as she makes new memories with the town--and its handsome sheriff...
But some pasts are too big to escape, and when a bombshell of a secret changes everything she thought was true, Vashti is left reeling. With Sawyer and his teenage daughter determined to see her through the storm, though, she's learning family isn't always a matter of blood--sometimes it's a matter of heart.
Don't miss The House on Blueberry Lane, the next book in The Catalina Cove series by New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson!
The Catalina Cove series
Book 1: Love in Catalina Cove
Book 2: Forget Me Not
Book 3: Finding Home Again
Book 4: Follow Your Heart
Book 5: One Christmas Wish
Book 6: The House on Blueberry Lane
About the Author
Jackson, Brenda: - Brenda Jackson is a New York Times bestselling author of more than one hundred romance titles. Brenda lives in Jacksonville, Florida, and divides her time between family, writing and traveling. Email Brenda at or visit her on her website at
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