Here there be dragons...and dragon-slayers
In this timely travel companion for teen girls embarking on the journey of Great Lent, A. N. Tallent and Sarah Gingrich tell stories drawn from their adventurous life experiences to help their younger sisters in the faith navigate the difficulties and gifts of pilgrimage toward Christ. Each letter engages the reader like a sister telling stories as you sit with mugs in hand around the kitchen table. Unique stories covering the full span of Orthodox Lent and Holy Week bear witness to the life-giving disciplines of the Church, interceding Saints, and how God showed up in the midst of darkness and trials. These letters reveal God's gracious guiding presence in hardship by addressing difficult topics without smoothing them over with platitudes. Venture with Gingrich and Tallent into the richness of grace in Lenten rituals and obligations by joining this holy journey. Both treasures and dragons abound, but the Feast of Feasts waits for the pilgrims at the end.
About the Author
Gingrich, Sarah Lenora: - Sarah Gingrich is a writer, blogger, poet, and contributing author in Darkness Is As Light (Park End Books, 2020). When not writing, she runs a small soapmaking company, keeps bees, gardens, and mothers her brood of six children with her forbearing husband.Coming from a Protestant upbringing in Montana, she lived and worked many years overseas as a missionary, gathering stories as she transitioned from country to country, from the evangelical faith to Orthodoxy. Now Pennsylvania-based, she enjoys hiking, kayaking, and observing the natural world around her. Sarah's life experiences have been unusual, and she interweaves their telling with reflections about God, faith, and lifelong pilgrimage.Tallent, A. N.: - A. N. Tallent is a writer, reader, gamer, and full-time mom. She lives in southern Pennsylvania but has also called Florida and Illinois home. She studied Missions at an evangelical Bible college and went on many short-term mission trips to the country of Japan. She also worked for five years at a large evangelical missions organization, giving her a love for various cultures and a broader perspective of the world, which inspires her writing. Her adventures led her to join the Eastern Orthodox Church in 2018, where she has found peace and a deeper understanding of Christ. She made her writing debut as a contributing author to Darkness Is As Light (Park End Books: 2020). She identifies as a gothic Christian and an Adult Survivor of Child Abuse, which has given her a unique voice and a desire to use her words to reach out to the hurting.
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