Deep within an ancient Aztec canal system on the outskirts of Mexico City lies Isla de las Munecas...a reportedly haunted island infested with thousands of decrepit dolls.
While there to film a television documentary, several friends discover a brutal murder. Soon fear and paranoia turn them against one another-even as the unknown killer stalks them throughout the longest night of their lives.
About the Author
Jeremy Bates is a USA Today bestselling author of more than a dozen novels and novellas, which have been translated into several languages. He has won both an Australian Shadows Award and a Canadian Arthur Ellis Award. The novels in the "World's Scariest Places" series are set in real locations, and so far include Suicide Forest in Japan, The Catacombs in Paris, Helltown in Ohio, and Island of the Dolls in Mexico. You can check out any of these places on the web, or visit SUICIDEFOREST.INFO, THECATACOMBS.INFO, HELLTOWN.INFO, and ISLANDOFTHEDOLLZ.INFO. Also, stop by JEREMYBATESBOOKS.COM to receive a free novel and novella.
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