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Than stealing one. If they succeed, Cobb and his team could pull off the perfect crime. But no planning or expertise can prepare them for a dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. An enemy only Cobb could have seen coming. Directed by Christopher Nolan. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page.
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Elliot Page, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, Dileep Rao, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Marion Cotillard, Pete Postlethwaite, Michael Caine, Claire Geare, Jonathan Geare, Magnus Nolan, Tai-Li Lee, Lukas Haas, Taylor Geare, Tohoru Masamune, Yuji Okumoto, Earl Cameron, Russ Fega, Tim Kelleher, Talulah Riley, Virgile Bramly, Jack Murray, Carl Gilliard, Michael Gaston, Andrew Pleavin, Jean-Michel Dagory, Shannon Welles
Director: Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas
Rating: PG13