The acclaimed GRAND DESIGN franchise continues with the Monster...and the Madness! Writer/artist Jim Rugg follows in the tradition of Ed Piskor and Tom Scioli by unfurling the full saga of the Incredible Hulk, from the very beginning to the present day! From Bruce Banner's volatile upbringing to the fateful gamma bomb detonation that changed everything - to years of anger, smashing and just wanting to be left alone! He's been a hero...a hate figure...even a world-breaker. Now witness the biggest moments in the Hulk's history - through the eyes of a single visionary storyteller! You'll never look at Bruce Banner the same way again! Collecting HULK: GRAND DESIGN - MONSTER and HULK: GRAND DESIGN - MADNESS.
About the Author
Jim Rugg, a cartoonist and illustrator from Pittsburgh, teaches at the School of Visual Arts and co-hosts the Tell Me Something I Don't Know podcast. His work includes Street Angel, Afrodisiac, The P.L.A.I.N. Janes and Janes in Love, One Model Nation, and The Guild. Rugg has won the Ignatz Award, the Pittsburgh Foundation's Investing Professional Artists grant and AIGA's 50 Books/50 Covers selection for best-designed books.
About the Author
Jim Rugg, a cartoonist and illustrator from Pittsburgh, teaches at the School of Visual Arts and co-hosts the Tell Me Something I Don't Know podcast. His work includes Street Angel, Afrodisiac, The P.L.A.I.N. Janes and Janes in Love, One Model Nation, and The Guild. Rugg has won the Ignatz Award, the Pittsburgh Foundation's Investing Professional Artists grant and AIGA's 50 Books/50 Covers selection for best-designed books.
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