When teenage E.B. (voiced by Russell Brand) leaves for Hollywood in pursuit of his dream to become a rockstar drummer, he meets Fred (James Marsden), an out-of-work slacker with his own lofty goals. Together, the two encounter a series of hilarious mishaps and misadventures and in the end help each other recognize the importance of family.
Starring: Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, James Marsden, Kaley Cuoco, Gary Cole, Elizabeth Perkins, Billy Joe Bowers, Russell Brand, Hank Azaria, Kenneth Turek, Billy Bowers, Tiffany Espensen, David Hasselhoff, Chelsea Handler, Dustin Ybarra, Carlease Burke, Veronica Alicino, Jimmy Lee Carter, Benjamin Moore Jr., Eric Dwight McKinnie, Joey Anthony Williams, Tracy Roman Pierce, Will Cleveland Smith, Coleton Ray, Greg Lewis, Mark Riccardi, Cici Lau, Jayden Lund, Christian Long, Nick Drago, Dave Goldsmith, Zach Danziger, Joan Beal, Hugh Laurie, Django Marsh, Hugh Hefner, Rick Pasqualone
Director: Christopher Meledandri, Michele Imperato Stabile
Rating: PG
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