Anime adaptation coming soon Dark, disturbing, sexy, and shameful, this new sci-fi action manga stars a dominating teenage girl searching for a sister who became a monster, and a submissive boy with the strange power to turn into a ragged but powerful beast, with a zipper down his back and a compartment on the inside just big enough to hold a human body. POCKET CHANGE Shuichi's solved the first part of the mystery behind his body's transformation, but now he and Claire find themselves thrust into a world stranger and deadlier than they could've imagined. A bizarre community of monstrous, super-powered eccentrics has formed around the ongoing quest for the transformation-inducing coins--and whether they like it or not, Claire and Shuichi are going to have to pick a side...
About the Author
Sun Takeda is the author of Meet Me at the End of the World and Haru and Natsu among other manga. Gleipnir is Takeda's first manga to be published in English.
About the Author
Sun Takeda is the author of Meet Me at the End of the World and Haru and Natsu among other manga. Gleipnir is Takeda's first manga to be published in English.
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