Generations ago, Colombian refugee Alma Madrigal (voiced by María Cecilia Botero) established a mystical homestead that brought prosperity to her village-and bestowed incredible abilities upon her progeny. Now, both house and clan find their magic touch fading, and it falls to level-headed Mirabel (Stephanie Beatriz)-the one Madrigal the blessing skipped-to find out why. Disney hit buoyed by songs from Lin-Manuel Miranda co-stars the voices of John Leguizamo, Wilmer Valderrama, Dianne Guerrero. 109 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English. Two-disc set.
Starring: Stephanie Beatriz, María Cecilia Botero, John Leguizamo, Mauro Castillo, Jessica Darrow, Angie Cepeda, Carolina Gaitan, Diane Guerrero, Wilmer Valderrama, Rhenzy Feliz
Rating: PG
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