"Life is a Special" is an unconventional, internet based publishing company which provides life-changing products derived from decades of refining and executing Special Operations and Elite Performer Skills.
Edited by a Harvard educated Strategists and retired U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Beret) Lieutenant Colonel, "Elite Performance Skills" lists and explains essential skills which Elite Performers from all over the world use on a daily basis.
- Disciplines of Success
- Training & Education Essentials
- Characteristics of Astonishing Leadership
- Team Building Considerations
- Life-Changing Health Ideas
- Principles of Self-Economics
- Essential Ways to Demonstrate Good Manners
- Elements of Persuasion & Persuasive Tools
- Elements of Negotiation & Negotiating Tools
- Pillars of Security
Mastering these behaviors, mind-sets, attributes, and tools is guaranteed to improve your quality of life and make you more successful.
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