Tsukasa, a college student, is rescued from an attack by a devil, one of many vampires that can blend in among the human population. Anzai, her savior, is a half-devil who exploits his supernatural gifts as a member of a shadowy police task force that specializes in devil-related crime in Tokyo. As Anzai continues to keep guard over Tsukasa, the two quickly forge a tentative bond--one that Anzai fears will test his iron-clad rule of never drinking human blood...
About the Author
Ryo Hanada (June 15, 1987) is one of the rising stars of Japanese comics today. Winner of SquareEnix's 2012 Young GanGan Manga Award's Special Prize for her submission BLIND, she quickly caught the attention of bigger publishers. After a couple of years in self-publishing, in 2013 she made her professional debut with Kodansha's premiere manga magazine MORNING (publishers of mega-hits such as Chi's Sweet Home, Drops of God, Vagabond). Her first work for them was Devils' Line, which is already captivating audiences with its stunning artwork and interesting mix of the supernatural and modern-day espionage.
About the Author
Ryo Hanada (June 15, 1987) is one of the rising stars of Japanese comics today. Winner of SquareEnix's 2012 Young GanGan Manga Award's Special Prize for her submission BLIND, she quickly caught the attention of bigger publishers. After a couple of years in self-publishing, in 2013 she made her professional debut with Kodansha's premiere manga magazine MORNING (publishers of mega-hits such as Chi's Sweet Home, Drops of God, Vagabond). Her first work for them was Devils' Line, which is already captivating audiences with its stunning artwork and interesting mix of the supernatural and modern-day espionage.
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