In a chilling blend of folk horror and twisting suspense, this modern masterpiece depicts isolation and dread within a small island community. And the water shall call them home. On the edge of the North Atlantic lies a remote Scottish isle. The residents are a mix of those born and bred on the land and newcomers seeking a slower, quieter way of life, away from the modern world. But all have their own secrets, some much darker than others. And when a strange waterborne blight begins to infect them all, those secrets come to light. Ferry service fails. Phone towers go down. And slowly, inconvenience transforms into nightmarish ordeal-- and the outwardly harmonious fabric of the community is irreversibly torn apart.
About the Author
C. A. Fletcher has children and dogs. He lives in Scotland and writes for a living.
About the Author
C. A. Fletcher has children and dogs. He lives in Scotland and writes for a living.
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