The Dark Ages Clan Novel Saga is a 13-volume series of novels set in the world of Dark Ages: Vampire, released by White Wolf from 2002 to the end of 2004. The series begins with Dark Ages Clan Novel 1: Nosferatu and ends with Dark Ages Clan Novel 13: Tzimisce. Inspired by the original modern-day Clan Novel Saga for Vampire: The Masquerade, this series begins with the end of the original Vampire: The Dark Ages era and continued into the time-frame of Dark Ages: Vampire.
The 13 novels are written from the POV of one clan each during the turbulence that swept through the mortal and Cainite societies of Europe following the fall of Constantinople in the Fourth Crusade. These novels, unlike the original Clan Novel Series, are chronological, happening one after the other rather than overlapping.
Dark Ages Clan Novel #4 Assamite:
Andreas has an offer for the vampires fleeing the destruction in thirteenth-century Constantinople: a way out of the East and passage to the safer lands of Western Europe. But Andreas is not just a merchant, he is a priest of the snake god, a Follower of Set intent on uncovering the heretics in his own clan. If certain refugees need to be sacrificed for that to happen well, such is the cost of faith.
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