Tales from the classic era of ghost stories, one of the most popular and enduring fiction categories. A selection of mysterious and intriguing tales from the shadows, featuring M.R. James, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Edith Wharton and Algernon Blackwood, with F. Marion Crawford's The Doll's Ghost and Guy de Maupassant's The Apparition. Ghost Story Anthologies. Ghost stories appear in most traditions around the world, with tales of the supernatural and the presence of ancestors felt around the campfires of storytellers. With new introductions, these specially curated collections bring together the twisting narratives of Charles Maturin, H.P. Lovecraft, Edith Wharton, Algernon Blackwood and many more classic and ancient sources.
About the Author
Lisa Tuttle (Introduction) is an award-winning American-born writer living in Scotland who has been writing (and reading) ghost stories for more than fifty years. Three of her short story collections, including the latest, Riding the Nightmare, are in print. Her first novel, Windhaven, was written in collaboration with George R.R. Martin. Her most recent novel, The Curious Affair of the Missing Mummies, is the third in a series of supernaturally tinged mysteries set in 1890s London.
About the Author
Lisa Tuttle (Introduction) is an award-winning American-born writer living in Scotland who has been writing (and reading) ghost stories for more than fifty years. Three of her short story collections, including the latest, Riding the Nightmare, are in print. Her first novel, Windhaven, was written in collaboration with George R.R. Martin. Her most recent novel, The Curious Affair of the Missing Mummies, is the third in a series of supernaturally tinged mysteries set in 1890s London.
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