Hilarious mid-life crisis comedy stars Billy Crystal as Mitch Robbins, a New York radio ad man in his late 30s who joins pals Phil (Daniel Stern) and Ed (Bruno Kirby) for a vacation to the Southwest to take part in a cattle drive from New Mexico to Colorado. The guys all learn valuable lessons about life, especially Mitch, who strikes up an unlikely friendship with the trail boss, a crusty cowpoke called Curly (Best Supporting Actor Oscar-winner Jack Palance). Helen Slater, Patricia Wettig co-star. 114 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English.
Starring: Billy Crystal, Daniel Stern, Bruno Kirby, Patricia Wettig, Helen Slater, Jack Palance, Noble Willingham, Tracey Walter, Josh Mostel, David Paymer, Bill Henderson, Jeffrey Tambor, Phill Lewis, Kyle Secor, Dean Hallo, Yeardley Smith, Robert Costanzo, Jake Gyllenhaal
Rating: PG13
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