Details: Chris Vrenna garnered a name for himself in the early days of Nine Inch Nails, and later produced and co-produced various artists (including Marilyn Manson, Rasputin a, Xzibit, Lords of Acid) and provided remixes for U2 and Weezer (among others). in 2001, Vrenna composed the dark, eerie instrumental soundtrack for American McGee's Alice. It was also in 2001 that Vrenna unveiled his tweaker project. Best described as a blend of alternative Pop/Rock and Electronica, Tweaker blends an intriguing mix of influences and atmospheres. Dark and moody, call the time eternity is an electronic fever dream ride through a late night breakdown. Machine-gun staccato percussion blends with strings and synthesizer to create a cohesive work.
- Ponygrinder
- Nothing at All
- A Bit Longer Than Usual
- Areas of the Brain
- Hoarding Granules
- Getting Through Many a Bad Night
- Grounded
- This Is Ridiculous
- I Don't Care Anymore
- Wasted Time
- Fine
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