The girl who was too good for him...
In high school, Wade Armstrong had been half in love with Edie Brand, even though she barely seemed to notice his existence. Like the rest of this town, she thought him beneath her. That was how it seemed to him, anyway. But he'd grown up determined to prove them wrong, and now he owns a successful garage which is wallpapered with Edie Brand's photo spreads from the Vanessa's Whisper lingerie catalogue.
He fascinated and terrified her...
In high school, Edie had been afraid to even look at Wade Armstrong. He was too hot, too smooth, and his reputation of being able to get any girl to say yes on the first date scared the daylights out of her.
Now a bad boy is what she needs...
She's back in town, driven out of L.A. and her lucrative modeling career by a crazed stalker who nearly killed her once...and who seems to have followed her home.
The attraction between these two burns them both, while a dangerous admirer watches, and grows angrier.
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