Downton Abbey meets Emma in this tale of tumultuous love between a butler and his young charge. Akihito Kuze inherits the Kuze viscountship when he is a mere ten years old. His butler, Tomoyuki Katsuragi, becomes his caretaker and tutor. As he matures, Akihito finds himself relentlessly drawn to Katsuragi, frustrated by the distance the older man maintains and driven to discover the reasons why. Clinging to his fierce, unwavering love for Katsuragi, Akihito moves ever closer to an engagement to the daughter of Duke Sajo. Firmly focused on his future, Akihito asks his friend Ishizaki's father to be his go-between in the marriage talks, but Ishizaki insists that in exchange he wants Tomoyuki Katsuragi! Around the same time, former houseboy Amamiya discovers mysterious documents relating to Katsuragi's lineage.
About the Author
Shoko Hidaka's works have been published in English, French and German. Her previously published English-language releases include Restart and Not Enough Time. She was born an Aries on March 31st in Tokyo and has an A blood type.
About the Author
Shoko Hidaka's works have been published in English, French and German. Her previously published English-language releases include Restart and Not Enough Time. She was born an Aries on March 31st in Tokyo and has an A blood type.
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