The blockbuster manga that inspired the epic anime, airing now on Adult Swim's Toonami RUTHLESS SAVIOR After years as a lonely double agent, Zeke finally returns to the good graces of his home island of Paradis. Still, the Survey Corps refuses to let him meet Eren--the other ingredient in the earth-shaking weapon-- for fear the explosive duo will be impossible to control. Meanwhile, the public responds badly to the military's open distrust of their hero Eren, and the detention of the Marleyan volunteers spurs an uprising. Amid the turmoil, Eren takes matters into his own hands...
About the Author
With his debut series, "Attack on Titan," Hajime Isayama has enjoyed a meteoric rise from unknown to one of Japan's top comics artists.
About the Author
With his debut series, "Attack on Titan," Hajime Isayama has enjoyed a meteoric rise from unknown to one of Japan's top comics artists.
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