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The Dude and the Zen Master
Inspirations of the Heart
Sentimental Journey
The River Only Runs One way
Spartan Way
Did I Make You Proud
The Actors Guide To Success
On The Shortness Of Life
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The Dude and the Zen Master
Inspirations of the Heart
Sentimental Journey
The River Only Runs One way
Spartan Way
Did I Make You Proud
The Actors Guide To Success
On The Shortness Of Life
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- She Got The Hell Out: How Dawn Jailed the Trauma of Abuse and Freed Her Soul
Dawn knew her bedridden mother survived a sexually abused childhood, so she tried to understand her reluctance when she said she didn't want to feel guilty about what happened so long ago. Yet her daughter believed she had the right to know her biological father and if she was a child of lust, love, or loathing. To her surprise, when her mother stared into space and started talking, it was clear that both sides of their family had been keeping dirty little secrets for at least three centuries.
Shocked by her admission, when her mother realized what she said she suddenly scowled and hollered, "What if I had let myself love you and they took you too? I couldn't take another loss. Stop looking at me. I did the best I could. Leave me alone. Get out. Go!"
Dawn knew she was speaking from her living hell, which had also hindered her daughter's life. But all was not lost...for Dawn's prayers brought more than comfort.
She was blessed with the wholeness she always wanted.
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