The heartwarming coming-of-age tale of four high school outcasts who start a band to gain fame and popularity...but have to defend their hometown from a hungry horde of monsters instead. It's 1989 and Marty Ward--Jackson, Tennessee's number one juvenile delinquent--never wanted to join the Rock Gods. After all, who wants to play with nerds like Jonny, Lenny, and Doug? But after the high schoolers stumble into the gig of a lifetime--opening for local rock legend Tommi Tungstun--the four outcasts must put aside their differences and play together if they want to achieve their dreams of fame, freedom, and popularity. Standing in these future superstars' way are: their parents, their teachers, a school full of jerks and bullies, a townful of bad bosses, sanctimonious preachers, and corrupt politicians, each other, and a rampaging horde of mutated monsters tearing through Jackson and eating everything in their path. Wait. Monsters?!?! Indeed! A secretive pharmaceutical company has converted the old perfume factory on the edge of town into an animal testing facility. Their newest concoction, a marvel of science designed as a cure, has disastrous results...transforming hundreds of pigs into horrifying demons with an appetite for human flesh. When the pigs attack, it's left up Marty, Jonny, Lenny, and Doug to save the city and everyone in it. If they can't figure out how to work together, they'll be pig food. But, if they can join together as a band, as friends, as family...they'll become Legends.
About the Author
Rafer Roberts has been making comics professionally for over two decades. He is the writer and co-creator of Modern Fantasy, published by Dark Horse Comics, and Grumble, published by Eric Powell's Albatross Funnybooks. Rafer was the writer on A&A: The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong and Harbinger: Renegade for Valiant Comics. His work on X-O Manowar #38 received two Harvey Award nominations for the Special Award for Humor in Comics and Best Cartoonist. His artwork has appeared in the Eisner Award winning anthology Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream from Locust moon Press. His self-published work includes the long running Plastic Farm, Nightmare the Rat, and the Tumblr famous Thanos and Darkseid: Carpool Buddies of Doom which he co-created with Justin Jordan.
About the Author
Rafer Roberts has been making comics professionally for over two decades. He is the writer and co-creator of Modern Fantasy, published by Dark Horse Comics, and Grumble, published by Eric Powell's Albatross Funnybooks. Rafer was the writer on A&A: The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong and Harbinger: Renegade for Valiant Comics. His work on X-O Manowar #38 received two Harvey Award nominations for the Special Award for Humor in Comics and Best Cartoonist. His artwork has appeared in the Eisner Award winning anthology Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream from Locust moon Press. His self-published work includes the long running Plastic Farm, Nightmare the Rat, and the Tumblr famous Thanos and Darkseid: Carpool Buddies of Doom which he co-created with Justin Jordan.
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