Would you paint your home with a hammer?Clean your toilet with toothpaste?Cut your grass with a pair of scissors?Sounds pretty silly doesn't it?Obviously, these are the wrong tools to do the job.Do you have the essential tools for your new marriage so you can do it the right way? Finally, here is a manual with the best tools to help you get to "happily ever after "Unfortunately, marriage has gotten to the point where many of us have given up on the idea of "as long as we both shall live." Maybe your parents were divorced (more than once) or maybe you look at your parent's marriage and wonder why they even stayed together. "Marriage just doesn't work, at least not for the long haul," you may have concluded.So why get married? Because, no matter how you look at it, research still tells us that a healthy marriage is still the best relationship for the best sex, for financial stability and to raise healthy children. Children love the security they feel when they know their parents love each other and aren't going anywhere.Is a healthy, happy marriage still possible?With a lot of work and with the right tools.... Absolutely The Pre-Marriage Essential Tool Box is all about having the best tools to make the work of marriage, easier, less frustrating, more productive and more fun.Based on my pastoral counseling practice and those of many marriage experts, I believe these tools are ones that are essential to your having a great shot at the marriage you want. As you grow, and life circumstances throw your marriage a lot of curveballs, you will learn just how important these tools are to maintaining your love and your commitment to each other. Peter Agnew, MA is a Pastor Counselor and the Executive Director of Restored Hope, Inc. in Long Beach, CA. He is a licensed Pastor, Author, Seminar Developer and Leader. Mentored by many of the best Christian and non-Christian Counselors in the country through their friendship, seminars and resources, he is determined to help couples with their choice to be married and their determination to stay that way.
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