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Andrew and the Firedrake
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Horatio: A Cat Comes of Age
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Andrew and the Firedrake
Pride and Prejudice
The Buffalo Knife
Mississippi Bridge
The Pinballs
The Seven Treasure Hunts
A Pup Called Trouble
The Big Game
Orphan Train Girl
The Hamilton-Burr Duel
The Oceans Between Stars
The Colossus Rises
Summer of the Gypsy Moths
The Bunny Who Lost Her Hop
Horatio: A Cat Comes of Age
Happy Barfday!
The Wind Powered Win
Memphis the Mustang
Down the Rabbit Hole
The Magical Kite
Cooper's Comics
Coalie and the Great Mystery
Curious about Caving
The School That Cried Bully!
Mistakes are Gifts
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- Children's Books/Ages 9-12 Fiction
- Kylie Gets a Cochlear Implant
Kylie Gets a Cochlear Implant is the heartwarming story of a little girl who loses her hearing and is heartbroken about the things she believes she can no longer do. Kylie loves to dance, but fears that without hearing the music, she won't be able to feel the beat or the rhythm. She is very sad until she hears about a way to overcome her hearing loss. See what happens when Kylie undergoes a cochlear implant, which is a surgically implanted device that can help her hear sound and music. In fact, cochlear implants can be so successful that they are often called bionic ears Written by a teacher who works with deaf children, this story shows insight into what these brave children face. Marilyn C. Rose finished her Ph.D. at the same time she was writing this book. A graduate of Hunter College and the NYU Graduate School of Education, she is a public school teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing in New York City. She grew up in the Bronx and now lives with her husband, Marc, in Bayside, New York. "I have three grown wonderful sons and my family is the light of my life " This is her first book. Publisher's website: http: //
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