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Andrew and the Firedrake
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A Pup Called Trouble
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Andrew and the Firedrake
Pride and Prejudice
The Buffalo Knife
Mississippi Bridge
The Pinballs
The Seven Treasure Hunts
A Pup Called Trouble
The Big Game
Orphan Train Girl
The Hamilton-Burr Duel
The Oceans Between Stars
The Colossus Rises
Summer of the Gypsy Moths
The Bunny Who Lost Her Hop
Horatio: A Cat Comes of Age
Happy Barfday!
The Wind Powered Win
Memphis the Mustang
Down the Rabbit Hole
The Magical Kite
Cooper's Comics
Coalie and the Great Mystery
Curious about Caving
The School That Cried Bully!
Mistakes are Gifts
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- Jake Drake, Teacher's Pet: Volume 3
Mrs. Snavin looked right past all those waving hands. She looked right at me and she smiled and said, "I think I'll have Jake take it." Then Mrs. Snavin said, "but be sure to hurry right back, Jake, because we're going to work on our number-line project, and you have to be my special computer helper, okay?" And I could feel every kid in the class looking at me. They weren't saying anything. They weren't even whispering. But right then, I heard what they were thinking anyway. They were thinking, teacher's pet.
About the Author
Andrew Clements (1949-2019) was the author of the enormously popular Frindle. More than 10 million copies of his books have been sold, and he was nominated for a multitude of state awards, including a Christopher Award and an Edgar Award. His popular works include About Average, Troublemaker, Extra Credit, Lost and Found, No Talking, Room One, Lunch Money, and more. He was also the author of the Benjamin Pratt & the Keepers of the School series. Find out more at
About the Author
Andrew Clements (1949-2019) was the author of the enormously popular Frindle. More than 10 million copies of his books have been sold, and he was nominated for a multitude of state awards, including a Christopher Award and an Edgar Award. His popular works include About Average, Troublemaker, Extra Credit, Lost and Found, No Talking, Room One, Lunch Money, and more. He was also the author of the Benjamin Pratt & the Keepers of the School series. Find out more at
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