Based on real events, this charming story features a kindergarten class in Brooklyn who pays homage to their beloved lost beech tree and takes action to plant a new one.
When a kindergarten class in Brooklyn discovers that their beloved beech has been cut down, they honor the tree by writing stories and poems, creating art, and placing a plaque at the former tree's site. But they still miss their tree and want to do more. With the support of their teachers and community, they plant a new tree to love.
Rasha Hamid, author of How to Bird, returns with a new story that taps into the power of nature to connect and inspire children wherever they live. Incorporating creative expression, collaboration, and environmental conservation, Hello, Beech Tree! is a lyrical story that highlights student-directed community action.
A section at the back of the book includes discussion questions, tips for taking action in readers' own communities, and information about environmental justice and conservation.
About the Author
Rasha Hamid attended New York City public schools before earning a bachelor's degree in Africana Studies and Education at Vassar College, and a master's degree in Special Education at Bank Street College of Education. She has developed her practice in classrooms in East Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Khartoum, and Brooklyn for over twenty years.
Rasha considers herself an educator-activist: someone who works to make the world more just, joyful, equitable, and sustainable through the education of students and teachers. She began creating picture books with her classes to fill the need for books reflecting her students, their experiences, and their passions. She's the author of Kadisa كديسة, which introduces children to Sudan; How to Bird (Free Spirit Publishing, 2023), a joyful exploration and celebration of birding that invites all children to take part; and Hello, Beech Tree! (Free Spirit Publishing, 2024), in which a kindergarten class pays homage to their beloved lost beech tree.
Rasha is proud to be the autistic mom of an autistic young adult. Autism and observing the natural world are two of Rasha's special interests.
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