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Thrilling aerial combat scenes highlight director William Wellman's silent WWI saga, winner of the first Best Picture Academy Award. Richard Arlen and Charles "Buddy" Rogers are small-town best friends, in love with the same girl, who enlist in the Army Air Corps to fight in Europe. Clara Bow is a France-based ambulance driver from back home, and Gary Cooper-in an early role-plays a cocky cadet. 144 min. Standard, Soundtracks: DTS HD 5.1 Master Audio music score, Dolby Digital stereo music score; Subtitles: French, Spanish, Portuguese. Silent with music score.
Starring: Clara Bow, Charles "Buddy" Rogers, Richard Arlen, Jobyna Ralston, El Brendel, Richard Tucker, Gary Cooper, Gunboat Smith, Henry B. Walthall, Roscoe Karns
Rating: NR