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The Longest Day is a re creation of the D-Day invasion. Whenever possible, the original locations were utilized, and an all star international cast impersonates the people involved, from high ranking officials to ordinary GIs. Each actor speaks in his or her native language with subtitles translating for the benefit of the audience (alternate 'takes' were made of each scene with the foreign actors speaking English, but these were seen only during the first network telecast of the film in 1972). The stars are listed alphabetically, with the exception of John Wayne, who as Lt. Colonel Vandervoort gets separate billing. Others in the huge cast include Eddie Albert, Jean-Louis Barrault, Richard Burton, Red Buttons, Sean Connery, Henry Fonda, Gert Frobe, Curt Jurgens, Peter Lawford, Robert Mitchum, Kenneth More, Edmond O'Brien, Robert Ryan, Jean Servais, Rod Steiger and Robert Wagner. Paul Anka, who wrote the film's title song, shows up as an Army private. Scenes include the Allies parachuting into Ste. Mere Englise, where the paratroopers were mowed down by German bullets; a real life sequence wherein the German and Allied troops unwittingly march side by side in the dark of night; and a spectacular three minute overhead shot of the troops fighting and dying in the streets of Quistreham. The last major black and white road show attraction.
Starring: John Wayne, Robert Ryan, Richard Burton, Robert Mitchum, Henry Fonda, Rod Steiger, Robert Wagner, Mel Ferrer, Jeffrey Hunter, Sal Mineo, Roddy McDowall, Stuart Whitman, Edmond O'Brien, Fabian, Red Buttons, Tom Tryon, Alexander Knox, Tommy Sands, Ray Danton, Mark Damon, Dewey Martin, Steve Forrest, John Crawford, Ron Randell, Kenneth More, Peter Lawford, Richard Todd, Leo Genn, John Gregson, Sean Connery, Jack Hedley, Michael Medwin, Norman Rossington, John Robinson, Patrick Barr, Donald Houston, Leslie Phillips, Richard Wattis, Christopher Lee, Irina Demick, Christian Marquand, Georges Rivière, Georges Wilson, Jean Servais, Fernand Ledoux, Daniel Gélin, Françoise Rosay, Curt Jurgens, Peter Van Eyck, Gert Fröbe, Wolfgang Preiss, Richard Munch, Ernst Schröder, Kurt Meisel, Wolfgang Lukschy, Eugene Deckers
Rating: G