One of the most successful children's films ever made. This charming story centers around a lonely little boy who finds that a red balloon magically has a life of it's own. As he chases the colorful, teasing object through the Paris streets, the child encounters a world full of adventure and fascinating people... but nothing can prepare him for his final experience with his new and playful friend. Director Albert Lamorisse Special Features: Full Frame - 1.33 Audio: Dolby Digital Mono - French Subtitles - English Optional Runtime: 34 minutes Year of Release: 1955.
Starring: Georges Sellier, Paul Perey, Red Balloon, Renée Marion, Wladimir Popof, Pascal Lamorisse, David Séchan, Michel Pezin, Renaud Séchan, The Children of Ménlimontant, Sabine Lamorisse
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