Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet prove that many of Jesus' original teachings are missing. They show that the New Testament records only a fragment of what Jesus taught. And that what was written down was tampered with by numerous editors. Or suppressed by "guardians of the faith."
Now, in their landmark series The Lost Teachings of Jesus, the Prophets fill in the gaps with a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus' message. They unfold the lost teachings Jesus gave in public to the multitudes and in secret to his closest disciples. And they answer questions that have puzzled readers of the Bible for centuries.
About the AuthorProphet, Elizabeth Clare: - Mark L. Prophet (1918-1973) and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1939-2009), were visionary pioneers of modern spirituality and internationally renowned authors. Their books are published in more than 30 languages, and millions of copies have been sold online and in bookstores worldwide. Together, they built a worldwide spiritual organization that is helping thousands to find their way out of human problems and reconnect to their inner divinity. They walked the path of spiritual adeptship, advancing through the universal initiations common to mystics of both East and West. They taught about this path and described their own experiences for the benefit of all who desire to make spiritual progress. Mark and Elizabeth left an extensive library of spiritual teachings from the ascended masters and a thriving, worldwide community of people who study and practice these teachings.
Prophet, Mark L.: - Mark L. Prophet (1918-1973) and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1939-2009), were visionary pioneers of modern spirituality and internationally renowned authors. Their books are published in more than 30 languages, and millions of copies have been sold online and in bookstores worldwide. Together, they built a worldwide spiritual organization that is helping thousands to find their way out of human problems and reconnect to their inner divinity. They walked the path of spiritual adeptship, advancing through the universal initiations common to mystics of both East and West. They taught about this path and described their own experiences for the benefit of all who desire to make spiritual progress. Mark and Elizabeth left an extensive library of spiritual teachings from the ascended masters and a thriving, worldwide community of people who study and practice these teachings.