This Intriguing study of Mexican-American fruit-pickers, subjected to all sorts of abuse and racial discrimination in a California small town was the second feature-film by legendary director Joseph Losey (The Servant). Macdonald Carey plays a crusading newspaperman who seemingly is the only person willing to champion the oppressed workers cause and tries to stop a lynch mobs manhunt of a Latino fugitive accused of fomenting a riot. The director, producers and writers of this film are to be commended for tackling a controversial issue in an honest, no-nonsense fashion. Joseph Losey was later blacklisted in the United States and moved to Europe where he made the remainder of his films, mostly in the United Kingdom.
Starring: Johnny Sands, MacDonald Carey, Gail Russell, John Sands, Lee Patrick, John Hoyt, Lalo Rios, Guy Anderson, Herbert Anderson, John Murphy, Maurice Jara, Walter Reed, Argentina Brunetti, William Edmunds, Gloria Winters, John Davis, Martha Hyer, Frank Fenton, Paul Harvey, Felipe Turich, Ian MacDonald, Noel Reyburn, Tab Hunter, Russ Conway, Robert Williams, James Bush, Julia Faye, Howard Negley, Gordon Nelson, Frank Ferguson, Ray Hyke, Pedro de Cordoba
Director: Jerry Wald, Sylvia Fine, William C. Thomas, William Pine
Rating: NR
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